Dogde-Ball Pin, Igloo & Sport Catalog

The Dodgeball Pin is located on the Right Balcony of the Stage.

Here are the August Igloo Catalog Secrets.

Click the Crow Bar for the Secret Stone Igloo.

On page 16, Click the door of the Deluxe Stone Igloo for the Secret Deluxe Stone Igloo.

There is also a new igloo: the Ship Igloo. (I really wish to buy it but I’m non-member)

Sports Catalog Secrets

(located at the Sports Shop in the Ski Village)

Click the Blue pom pom for the Orange football helmet

First, click on the penguin’s surfboard, then the seashell, then the star. The silver surfboard will appear. Wear when playing Catchin’ Waves to go super fast.

Yay! The Penguin Games are coming August 22nd! The Red and the Blue Team will be facing off to prove which team is greater once and for all. The team with more medals at the end wins. Penguins everywhere have been training for the game, so put on your sports clothing and pick a side!

Rory and Rookie will be commentating on the event each week. They say there’s gonna be a big change to the Ice Rink on the day the event starts. Maybe an Opening Ceremony like the Olympics? Also, there won’t be free items laying around this time. Much like Fall Fair 2007, you’ll have to play games to earn the prizes. (I wish the points cheat are still working!)

Until Next Post….. Waddle On!!!

~ Crabby Kitty, the Balinese Penguin.

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