Closing of Penguin Games & Other News

Sorry, I didn’t post a week. My internet connection is real slow.

You must know about the Penguin Games right? Probably you already get the items. But now, the Penguin Games has come to a close. I hope you all had a great time and was able to get the Medal. The Soccer Pitch has stayed to replace the Ice Rink, even though the Games are gone, but this will be only temporary.

Also, congrats to the Penguin Times on its 150th issue! Yay!

nd if you want to, you can check out the Waddle Down Memory Lane: Part 2, in the newspaper. It starts off with the first ever arrival of Rockhopper.

Until Next Post….. Waddle On!!!

PSA Message, Mission 8 & Rockhopper

Click on the code hidden on Klutzy’s picture for the Secret Message from PSA.

The first secret message says “To unlock this file, turn all puffles red.”

Once you do that, a second, already decoded message appears, as follows.

And for the last two newspapers, if you hovered your cursor over the word GAMES, no bubble would appear. Finally, a bubble appears! From the looks of it, it looks like an upcoming hard, multiplayer game (Yay!) and an upgrade(s) to Aqua Grabber and possibly something else.


The mission will be released early next week. And Billybob said there will be more info coming to agents real soon. And Rockhopper is coming back to Club Penguin! He will arrive at the end of the month.

Here is a sneak peek given by Billybob. He didn’t say what it was, but I think it’s about Rockhopper, not the Mission.

Until Next Post….. Waddle On!!!

~ Crabby Kitty

Summer Kick-Off, New Player Card Feature & CPIP Item.

The Summer Kick Off Party starts on the 13th. You don’t want to miss it, there’s probably gonna be a free item. Last Summer there was 5 free items. This year I hope there’ll be more.

There’s a new play coming to the Stage on the 13th. I think it has to do with time traveling!!!

And here’s a sneak peek on the new Player Card feature. The red X is for taking off all the clothes on your penguin. I, personally, think this is only good for penguins with tons of items.

The CP team is working on a similar update for the Furniture inventory.


If you tested in the CPIP test servers, than check your inventory!

( A Red Hard Hat)

For you who didn’t tested in CPIP, don’t be sad. I didn’t test too.

You’ll be able to send mail to offline buddies and save/delete the mail you get. Here is the current logo for PMail.

April Fools’ Newspaper, Penguin of the Month & Sneak-Peek

The newspaper came out today and the whole thing’s outlined in green. There is “graffiti” on almost every page and it’s really cool (kinda like last year). It addresses what to do with the Aqua Grabber now. Maybe we can use it to salvage more treasures or use it to protect from more chunks of ice in the future.

Earlier today, the newspaper had an article called ‘Penguin of the Month’. It would talk about a penguin with all these great characteristics and good habits. And then it would say “That penguin is (your penguin name here)”. So if you log in as a different penguin, the name will change to your current penguin. They took it off the newspaper recently.

There’s also an ‘Ask Gary’ section in this newspaper. Aunt Arctic has a mysterious riddle in this issue of Club Penguin Times. There is also a “Do Not Push” button next to it. If you push it, it makes a hole in the paper. The answer, I think, is that there is no letter “E” in the paragraph.


One article is upside-down. It talks about the puffle cheat in Catchin’ Waves.


Just wanted to tell you that the April Fools party starts THIS Friday. Last year’s party was crazy, with all the boxes, and the white/black Dojo where you could walk on the walls. Well, here’s a sneak peek for the party this year. We might actually be able to walk with our penguins in this strange “real life” CP. That’d be so awesome and CP would have really got a great party planned this time. CP said even the newspaper will have a twist (Maybe a real newspaper?)!

Until Next Post….. Waddle On!!!

~ Crabby Kitty, the Balinese Penguin.

St. Patrick’s Day Party, Migrator Construction & Clothing Catalog Secrets

The Gigantic St. Patrick’s Day Hat free item is in the Ski Village.


The Book pin is in the Boiler Room.


The Play, Space Adventure (and all its costumes), has returned to the Stage. Nonmember can buy the playercard background in the Catalog.

The new Migrator is under construction at the Beach!

Clothing Catalog Secrets

Click the pin on the White Admiral Jacket for the Green Snorkel.

Click the Pearl Necklace for the Red Viking Helmet.

Close and Open the Red Viking Helmet 4 times for the Blue Viking Helmet.

There are 3 new player card backgrounds for nonmembers. (Brick wall is old)

Until Next Post….. waddle On!!!

~ Crabby Kitty, the Balinese Penguin.