Space Adventure: Planet Y, Microscope & News

The Microscope pin is in the Sports Shop.

The new Play is here. There is a background for nonmembers in the Catalog.

Rockhopper’s ship is visible through the Telescope.

The new space adventure play comes with a special twist this week. Here’s a sneak peek.

Club Penguin’s 3rd Anniversary starts on October 24th. It’ll definitely have a limited edition non-returning party hat! AWESOME!

Halloween Party starts on October 29th. Can’t wait! There’ll be an Igloo Decorating Contest on the 17th.

The New Play, Space Adventure on Planet Y, starts tomorrow. Aliens, robots, and spacemen. The last space play was on Planet X, this time it’s Y. What could it mean?

If you don’t know, the Fall Fair has ended. It ended late because CP extended it.

All Secret Agents got a postcard from G. It says “You are being called in for a special assignment. Please report to the HQ as soon as possible. -G”


Here’s some sketches of the Mission. Scroll down for the Mission 9 Guide.


Fall Fair & Other News

Let’s just start with the Fall Fair.

Fall Fair

The Lollipop pin is in the Lighthouse.

Play the games all across CP to win tickets. Cash in the tickets at the booth (located at the Forest) for prizes.


~Here are the Games:

  • Memory Card Game (Beach)
  • Grab and Spin (Dock)
  • Ring the bell (Dock)
  • Puffle Paddle (Snow Forts)
  • Puffle Shuffle (Forest)
  • Feed a Puffle (Cove)
  • Puffle Soaker (Arcade Circle -Member’s Only. New Game)
  • Balloon Pop (Arcade Circle -Member’s Only. New Game

Recomended Games: Puffle Paddle (which is faster than the member games).


Most of the prizes are repeats, but I LOVE the Giant Green Sunglasses. More prizes are said to come.

Member Arcade Circle

Members can go to The Arcade Circle from the Snow Forts.

It has a prize booth (Giant yellow glasses, Teddy Bear and a Caramel Apple) and 2 new games.

~Member Games

The games are Puffle Soaker and Balloon Pop.

Also, check out the Iceberg!

Get Thousands of Tickets in 15 second!!!

  1. Play Any Fall Fair Games (I’ll use Grab & Spin)
  2. Play it (Grab & Spin : spin it once)
  3. Press your TAB Button until a yellow box appear over END GAME.
  4. Press ENTER for 5 Seconds (The longer you hold, the more tickets you’ll get)
  5. Click Quit. You’ll get 1000+ Tickets. (The last time, I hold it for 15 sec & I got 75K!!!)

Sneak Peeks

Here’s a sneak peek at something coming October 24th, which is the Anniversary Party date and when Club Penguin was released. It looks like a regular igloo, snow globe igloos, penguins holding hands who are wearing hats, alien masks, and crowns. But this could be anything. Tipping the Iceberg? New Game? Ninjas!?

Here’s a sneak peek at the upcoming mission. It looks like the puffle blew too big a bubble. I’ll be postthe mission guide as soon as it comes out.

Until Next Post….. Waddle On!!!

~ Crabby Kitty, the Balinese Penguin

Newspaper Pin & Furniture Secrets

The Golden 150th Newspaper Pin is located in the Boiler Room.


Furniture Catalog Secrets

The Igloo Furniture Catalog is located in your igloo. Click the Edit button, then the Catalog.

Click the Upright Piano for the Guitar Stand.

Until Next Post….. Waddle On!!!

~ Crabby KItty, the Balinese Penguin.

Dogde-Ball Pin, Igloo & Sport Catalog

The Dodgeball Pin is located on the Right Balcony of the Stage.

Here are the August Igloo Catalog Secrets.

Click the Crow Bar for the Secret Stone Igloo.

On page 16, Click the door of the Deluxe Stone Igloo for the Secret Deluxe Stone Igloo.

There is also a new igloo: the Ship Igloo. (I really wish to buy it but I’m non-member)

Sports Catalog Secrets

(located at the Sports Shop in the Ski Village)

Click the Blue pom pom for the Orange football helmet

First, click on the penguin’s surfboard, then the seashell, then the star. The silver surfboard will appear. Wear when playing Catchin’ Waves to go super fast.

Yay! The Penguin Games are coming August 22nd! The Red and the Blue Team will be facing off to prove which team is greater once and for all. The team with more medals at the end wins. Penguins everywhere have been training for the game, so put on your sports clothing and pick a side!

Rory and Rookie will be commentating on the event each week. They say there’s gonna be a big change to the Ice Rink on the day the event starts. Maybe an Opening Ceremony like the Olympics? Also, there won’t be free items laying around this time. Much like Fall Fair 2007, you’ll have to play games to earn the prizes. (I wish the points cheat are still working!)

Until Next Post….. Waddle On!!!

~ Crabby Kitty, the Balinese Penguin.

Sneak-Peek, New Pin, Furniture Catalog & New Features

Here’s a sneak peek at the upcoming July Party. It looks like it has a Western/Music theme. I’m guessing it’ll arrive next Friday (along with the Music Jam @ The Iceberg).

The Treble Clef Pin is located at the Pool.

Here are the Furniture Catalog Secrets/Cheats.

Click the Upright Piano for the Guitar Stand.

Click the Coffee Shop Tree for the Vegetable Garden.

Click the leaves of the Palm Tree for the Flower Planter

Click the Seaweed for the Clam.

There is also new igloo music available. To play music, have a stereo or jukebox set up in your igloo.

Also, the Night Club is being reconstructed for the upcoming New DJ Music Game! If you hover your mouse over the ‘Fragile’ box, the DJ equipment comes to life. So grab your hardhats and jackhammers and get into action!

Club Penguin has finally launched a whole bunch of new features!

FEATURE #1 New Server Selection – First off, you have to retype in all your information because your saved data for log-in was probably erased. The first thing I noticed was the orange sign that said “Please do not save password in a school or library computer” had changed. And when you log in with an already saved penguin, the penguin loads his/her clothing differently. As for the actual server selection, it groups your Suggested Servers by which you go on most and the ones your buddies are on. CP also changed it so that all the servers are grouped alphabetically and they took out the countries. That’s not something I like the best. We might have to do another server swap from Flippers. I’ll think about it once things settle down.

FEATURE #2 Penguin Mail – The most obvious one to get to next, of course! It’s located on the upper left of the screen when you log in. P-Mail allows you to save, delete, or reply to postcards sent to you by your buddies. You can also send postcards to your buddies even if they’re not online. The envelope on the top left also displays a number for the amount of unread postcards. If the envelope has a smiley face, it’s a buddy request. And the layout that displays all the postcards you can send has now changed. I would definitely rather have it so that you can send postcards to any penguin you want, online or offline, just as long as they don’t have a full mailbox. I’ve only gotten around 5 postcards total so far.

Also, there’s a free item you can get. Go to the very first postcard you have. Click on the blue bag. You will get a Blue Messenger Bag that you can wear! Penguins created after the update do not get the bag.

FEATURE #3 Playercard Sort – To begin with, CP made it so that ALL your items are now in one tab, not two. They used to group it so that your clothing items and medals would be in one tab. And your colors, pins, and backgrounds in another. I liked the old method better. However, it is easier to find clothing items using the new format by just using the Playercard Sort to just jump to your type of item.

FEATURE #4 Igloo Background – This is one of the updates that I like with no drawbacks whatsoever. The igloo is given a nice, foresty background rather than the blank, bland, and white background even members had to have. The forest goes away in Edit Mode. And the ‘Done’ icon has been replaced with a ‘Save Igloo’ disk icon.


FEATURE #5 Member Igloos Map – When you click on the Members Igloos on the Map, it expands to the map below. Displaying all the igloos available and their owners’ names when you hover your mouse over one. Unlike before, there is probably a maximum number of igloos per server.

FEATURE #6 Spyphone – The spyphone is now located in your bottom left, if you’re a secret agent. It allows you to teleport, play with the Tools, and Visit the HQ, just like in a mission.

FEATURE #7 Green Puffle – The Green Puffle has left the Night Club and is now playing around in the Ice Rink. And with the Green Puffle constantly playing with the puck, no one can play Hockey! I wonder why they did this? Update: CP has announced that this feature will be temporary. The rink will be back to normal, so enjoy the Puffle while he’s here. You will be able to play Hockey once again in the future.

FEATURE #8 Buddy Log-In – If a buddy logs into the server you’re in when you’re in Club Penguin, a dialog box will pop out of the Buddy button in your toolbar that says “[Buddy’s Name here] is online”

FEATURE #9 Puffle Mail – It looks like your puffle can send you mail too. And when you adopt a puffle, they send you a postcard. In the pic below, Watex is my puffle’s name.

FEATURE/BUG #10 Blank Chat – If you press the spacebar and then enter, you’ll get a blank chat bubble

FEATURE #11 Puffle Stats – You can no longer see the puffles’ stats or name of another penguin’s igloo.

FEATURE #12 Sled Racing/Find Four/Mancala List – The loading list has changed slightly when you’re waiting for players.

FEATURE #13 Finding a Buddy – The ‘Find Buddy’ button on your buddy’s playercard has changed to a question mark.

I’m doing this so fast so I don’t have much time to create pictures.

Until Next Post….. Waddle On!!!!!